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other volunteering opportunities 

One of our users, Patricia Sarmiento, has emailed us with some other ideas for volunteering:- 

With all the world’s tragedies weighing heavily on me lately, I’ve been doing my best to seek out as much positivity as possible.

I’ve had an amazing summer volunteering, and so far my only regret is that there isn’t enough time to do more. There are some truly unique and life-changing community volunteer opportunities that many don’t know about — and there are countless rewards for donating our time! So I decided to create my own positivity by spreading the word:

Find (or Create) Your Ideal Volunteer Opportunity

15 Ways to Help Homeless Dogs

How to Volunteer with Your Kids

Your Go-To Guide for Volunteering with Seniors: Offering Time, Talents, and Good Conversation

The Community Advocate’s Guide to Feeding the Hungry

Volunteering as a College Student: How Helping Others Helps You

50 Community Service Ideas for Teen Volunteers

Volunteering While Coping with Recovery: 12 Ways to be Active in Your Community

The Health Benefits of Volunteering

Graham Ross Russell, 29/08/2016